California Attorneys Representing Both Employers and Employees
Employment law encompasses both establishing parameters of employment and litigating disputes relating to employment. At Michael P. Ring & Associates, we regularly help employers and employees lay a foundation that will avert future employment disputes, through carefully structured employee contracts, confidentiality agreements, etc. Meanwhile, our experienced trial lawyers can take on the most challenging, large-scale litigation, on behalf of either employers or employees. We do not represent unions.
Over 40 Years of Combined Experience with Large-Scale Litigation
Employment litigation is a field that is highly contested and intellectually challenging for attorneys. For either employees or employers, however, employment disputes can be traumatic.
For employees that are faced with discrimination on a daily basis or have been wrongfully discharged, it is frequently a painful, emotional experience. However, it is often the only way to regain the rights one has earned as an employee.
For employers, on the other hand, fighting an employment claim is the only defense they have against being branded an unfair employer and losing good employees who fear they may become targets of discriminatory or retaliatory conduct.
Our Lawyers Understand Our Clients’ Struggles
At Michael P. Ring & Associates , we not only appreciate the mental challenge that we get from working on an employment or labor case, we appreciate the things that are at stake for the clients we represent. As a result, we frequently receive cases from other lawyers who have started out handling a matter for a client and realized that the issues that arise in employment matters are more technical than those they are used to addressing.
We have represented our employment clients in nearly every venue imaginable and have argued cases in state and federal district and appellate courts and arbitration and administrative panels. Just a few of the types of cases our lawyers handle are:
- Wrongful termination
- Sexual harassment
- Employment discrimination
- Wage claims
- Overtime claims
- Confidentiality agreements
- Non compete agreements
- Whistleblower actions and other retaliatory discharge claims
- Severance packages
- Employment contracts
- Hostile work environment, and
- Constructive discharge, in which changes in your job description make it impossible to satisfy your duties and force you to quit.
(To read more on the legal specifics of employment law, please visit our Employment Frequently Asked Questions.)
If you are dealing with any of the above issues, call us at 805-564-2333 or visit our contact page to set up a free initial consultation. Someone from our office will be in touch with you soon after we receive your message. We have helped clients with everything from confidentiality agreements to employment discrimination claims throughout California, with many cases coming from the tri-county area of Santa Barbara, Ventura, and San Luis Obispo.